- 我所在的普拓,是一群充满正能量的人在一起,为了更美好的明天一起奋斗、成长!
- 我们本着踏实勤奋的精神及不畏艰难、拼搏进取的态度,成长为卓越的液压系统制造商。
We are guided by pragmatic and brave spirit of diligence, hard work and enterprising attitude, grow into excellent hydraulic system manufacturer.
- 人是企业经营的首要资源,对人才的要求是德才兼备,以德为先。为一切优秀的人才提供一展所长的舞台。
Who is the primary resource of business, the demand for talent is the ability and integrity, to Germany first. Provide a stage for all development director talent.